Asian Collaborative Training Network for Malaria (ACTMalaria)
ACTMalaria was created by an intercountry initiative between Bangladesh, Cambodia, China (Yunnan Province), Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam to improve training and communication for malaria. Since 1996, ACTMalaria has been conducting practical regional training courses to meet the needs of malaria control programs in southeast Asia and the Mekong valley.
QAP has been providing technical support to ACTMalaria since 2001. QAP assisted in the design and the implementation of the regional course "Transfer of Training Technology" held in Penang (2002) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2003). The goal of the course is to enable participants to design, conduct, and evaluate skills-based training in malaria or other topics, applying the principles of Instructional Systems Design.
- Vector Borne Disease Branch, Ministry of Health Malaysia
- Malaria and Vector-borne Diseases Program staff from Cambodia, China (Yunnan Province), Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam attended the courses in 2002 and 2003
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The World Health Organization has designated Bangladesh as one of 22 high burden countries for tuberculosis (TB), with the world's fourth largest number of TB cases. A well-designed tuberculosis program comprised of case identification, case management, and disease prevention, along with effective surveillance and monitoring systems, can reduce these growing tuberculosis rates. The involvement of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in service provision in Bangladesh is expected to expand TB coverage, given that a sizeable proportion of the population seeks healthcare from NGO providers. QAP is working with the NGO Service Delivery Program (NSDP) to develop a model strategy that will result in improved TB case detection and cure rates in the areas that are being served by the NSDP NGOs.
QAP Activities
- Conduct a comprehensive systems analysis to identify strengths and weaknesses of the current TB service delivery system in NSDP areas. The assessment will also explore the current role played by the government clinics, NGOs, and private practitioners in TB service provision, as well as identify any the problems that may affect the continuum of care for TB patients
- Based on the assessment findings, QAP will support the design and implementation of quality improvement interventions to expand access to and quality of TB services through NSDP's network of over 300 clinics nationwide
- NGO Service Delivery Program (NSDP)
- Pathfinder International
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QAP, along with Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) and Vietnamese partners, is embarking on improvements in the area of rehabilitation care for clients using prosthetics and orthotics.
QAP & HVO assistance
- Training and coaching in quality improvement methods
- Training in state-of-the-art and evidence-based practices in prosthetics and orthotics/rehabilitation
- Assistance to facility teams in assessing their current systems of care, redesigning or improving their systems of care, implementing improved systems of care, and measuring indicators to show the improvement
- Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs
- Ministry of Health
- National Coordinating Committee on Disabilities
- Two facilities in Danang: Hospital C and the Danang Rehabilitation Center