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Quality Assurance Project's Tuberculosis Case Management CD-ROM Wins Award

The Quality Assurance Project's Tuberculosis Case Management CD-ROM has won a prestigious Crystal Award of Excellence from the Communicator Awards 2001 Print Media competition. QAP won this award from among 3,344 entries submitted. Recognized for achieving high standards of excellence in its computer-based training products, the project also received four Awards of Distinction. 

Dr. Marina Budeyeva, Senior QA Advisor, managed the development of the TB CD-ROM, which was created to train health workers in the latest tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment using the WHO Directly Observed Therapy Short-Course (DOTS) approach. Donna Vincent Roa, Director of Communication and Associate QA Project Director, and Elisa Knebel, Communication Specialist, directed the production of the product marketing materials and packaging. Carney Interactive provided technical and instructional design support.

The Quality Assurance Theory and Tools Kit CD-ROM won an award of distinction. Designed for healthcare professionals to improve the quality of health services delivery, this innovative, interactive product provides quality assurance applications and resources to strengthen competencies and improve organizational performance. The project team for the QA Kit included Edward Kelley, Senior QA Advisor; Elisa Knebel, Communication Specialist; Jennifer Kolodner, Instructional Design Specialist; and Donna Vincent Roa. Find out more about QAP's computerized learning products.   

The QA Project received three other Awards of Distinction for Monitoring the Quality of Primary Care, A Health Manager's Guide, written by Bruno Bouchet and designed by Kurt Mulholland; the project website, www.qaproject.org, which was developed by Donna Vincent Roa and Elisa Knebel; and the Tuberculosis Case Management CD-ROM product demonstration developed by Donna Vincent Roa and Jennifer Kolodner.

Entries were judged by communications professionals who looked for companies and individuals with work that exceeded a high standard of excellence and could serve as industry benchmarks. The competition included advertising and public relations agencies, corporate communications departments, government organizations, broadcast and video professionals, and educational institutions.

Last year,  the Tuberculosis Case Management CD-ROM received an award from The Learning Software Design Competition.  This competition is sponsored by the University of Minnesota Design Institute to recognize the design of innovative educational software.


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The Quality Assurance Project (QAP) is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) under Contract Number GPH-C-00-02-00004-00.