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QAP/HCI’s Work Implementing Improvement Collaboratives in Developing Countries Presented at 2007 National Forum
The pioneering work that QAP, now the USAID Health Care Improvement (HCI) Project, has conducted to implement improvement collaboratives in developing and middle-income countries was presented at the 2007 National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare Conference sponsored by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The annual event, which regularly draws over 5500 health care leaders from around the world and thousands more for its satellite broadcast, was held this year December 9-12 in Orlando, Florida.
IHI developed the collaborative approach in 1998 to more rapidly spread best practices to a large number of sites or throughout an organization. URC has pioneered the adaptation of the approach in developing countries, having implemented some 35 collaboratives in 13 countries since 2000.
“Next Generation of Ideas on Spreading and Sustaining Improvement” was presented by HCI Deputy Director Dr. M. Rashad Massoud in collaboration with Dr. Lynne Maher NHS, Institute for Innovation and Improvement, UK; and Mr. Joe McCannon IHI.
The presentation described the scientific foundations for dissemination and sustainability of a collaborative. Examples of successful spread and sustainability were presented, and attendees were shown how spread and sustainability methods and tools could be applied to their own work.
“Improvement Collaboratives, Rapidly Improving Health Care in Developing Countries,” was presented by HCI’s Dr. Nigel Livesley, on behalf of HCI Project Director Dr. David Nicholas. A case study illustrated how a large scale demonstration collaborative is being used to improve HIV/AIDS care in Uganda. The presentation also used case studies to show how collaboratives are improving neonatal respiratory disease treatment in Russia and obstetric and neonatal care in Niger.
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Next Generation of Ideas on Spreading and Sustaining Improvement, M. Rashad F. Massoud, MD, MPH, HCI; Joe McCannon, Vice President, IHI; Marie W. Schall, MA, Director, IHI; Lynne M. Maher, RGN,BSc Hons. MBA, PHD, Head of Innovation Practice, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, UK
Improvement Collaboratives, Rapidly Improving Health Care in Developing Countries, David Nicholas, MD, MPH, HCI
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The Quality Assurance Project (QAP) is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) under Contract Number GPH-C-00-02-00004-00. |