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QAP Presents at USAID Best Practices Conference Held in Bangkok
Country teams from Afghanistan, Egypt, and Pakistan gather to present "next steps" action plans and receive feedback. Session facilitated by Thada Bornstein, QAP. |
QAP’s Dr. David Nicholas and Ms. Thada Bornstein, MEd, participated in a USAID-sponsored conference in Bangkok that brought together 450 USAID staff and partners from 18 countries throughout the Near East and Asia to review successes and share strategies and lessons learned. The conference entitled “Scaling Up High-Impact Family Planning and Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Best Practices: Achieving Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Near East” was held September 3–8, 2007. The conference was organized by Pathfinder International’s USAID-funded Extending Service Delivery (ESD) Project.
Dr. Nicholas made a presentation entitled “Scaling up Using Improvement Collaboratives” which focused on a nationwide program in Niger that has shown significant results in improving maternal and newborn care in a resource-poor environment. Ms. Bornstein led two participatory sessions on how to conduct an improvement collaborative and facilitated a session in which three country teams presented their plans for feedback. In addition, Ms. Bornstein served on the conference organizing committee.
Download presentations:
Scaling up Using Improvement Collaboratives, David Nicholas, MD, MPH
Using the Collaborative Approach to Implement and Scale Up Best Practices, Thada Bornstein, MEd
To download other conference presentations, visit the ESD Project web site at http://www.esdproj.org/site/PageNavigator/Conf_ANE_Presentations.
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The Quality Assurance Project (QAP) is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID) under Contract Number GPH-C-00-02-00004-00. |